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Survey Says…This Show Sucks
The Right in its current iteration is like the worst family you’ve ever seen play Family Feud. They’ll give idiotic answers that everyone knows are wrong. Rarely, they’ll land a correct answer, and the opposing Left Family will screw up just often enough to keep the Right Family in the game.
Steve Harvey will routinely meet their patently stupid answers with a confused, disappointed stare directly into the camera, followed by disproportionate amounts of raucous laughter and applause by the audience.
The Right Family will even get some points by paying Russian operatives to sneak behind the board and change some of the answers to “making whoopee,” even when that makes zero sense in context with the question. Anything for a win.
And for each objectively terrible response, the entire Right Family will clap and yell “GOOD ANSWER! GOOD ANSWER!”
The players on TV know the answers are stupid and, ergo, not “good answers.” They’ve got a stake in the game, though, so they’ll play the part.
Those playing along at home, however, are duped via the age-old conservative weapons of “cacophony,” “defunding public education,” and “volume” to believe that every single answer is indeed a good answer. And every time the Right gets a strike on a “good answer,” it’s clearly because the game is rigged against their side. Mark Goodson, the creator of Family Feud and just about every other game show, was Jewish, after all. Coincidence?